You are not alone.

  • Counseling

    Talking to someone can be a great way to work to being your best self. Find a mental health professional near you.

    Therapy For Black Girls

  • Suicide Prevention

    Talk to someone today. Call or text 988. What happens when you call? Learn more about the Lifeline phone system here.

    Get help today.

  • Substance Use

    Learn more and find treatment options today.

  • Sexual Assault

    Explore resources including shelters, counseling, body centered support, and retreats.

    Call (800-656-HOPE) or chat today.


    Find local resources or talk to peers.

    The Trevor Project

    Trans LifeLine (877)-565-8860

  • Intimate Partner Violence

    Safely find resources and create a plan.

Tracking My Tears is not a mental health organization or practitioner. The resources available through this page, the app, and any other Tracking My Tears material are not meant to take the place of a licensed medical or mental health practitioner.


Have a recommended resource or a category we should consider including? Let us know.

We’re working to update this list and make a more comprehensive bank of resources — we appreciate your patience! If you’re looking for something specific, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’ll do our best to support you.