You are not alone.
Talking to someone can be a great way to work to being your best self. Find a mental health professional near you.
Suicide Prevention
Talk to someone today. Call or text 988. What happens when you call? Learn more about the Lifeline phone system here.
Substance Use
Learn more and find treatment options today.
Intimate Partner Violence
Safely find resources and create a plan.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Text HELLO to 741741 to talk to someone who can help.
A space for peer support for folx who are most impacted by systematic oppression with a LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens.
Support for self-infury recovery from The Trevor Project.
Understanding self-injury with Jed.
Crisis Text Line - text START to 741741 or start a chat with Crisis Text Line through WhatsApp
Tracking My Tears is not a mental health organization or practitioner. The resources available through this page, the app, and any other Tracking My Tears material are not meant to take the place of a licensed medical or mental health practitioner.
Have a recommended resource or a category we should consider including? Let us know.
We’re working to update this list and make a more comprehensive bank of resources — we appreciate your patience! If you’re looking for something specific, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’ll do our best to support you.